2023-2027 LEADER Programme LAG Selection Process

The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, recently announced details of the €180 million LEADER Programme for 2023-2027. The major investment will support locally-led rural development and enterprise projects over the next five years. The...

NRN LEADER Programme Case Studies Booklet

Launched in late-2021, the NRN’s LEADER Programme Case Studies booklet tells the stories of 72 inspirational LEADER projects located throughout Ireland funded under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (extended to 2022). Through its ‘bottom up’, locally-led,...

Final Conference of the Smart Rural 21 Project

The Smart Rural 21 project is a two and a half-year project supported by the European Commission (DG AGRI) with the overall aim of promoting and inspiring villages to develop and implement smart village approaches and strategies across Europe, and to draw conclusions...

LEADER: Lessons Learned and Looking Forward

In November 2021, the NRN hosted an online conference, entitled ‘30 Years of LEADER: Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future’. The event, attended by delegates from across Ireland and abroad, provided an opportunity to reflect on past and current programmes, and...