The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Dara Calleary T.D., welcomes the launch of a public consultation process on a draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Scoping Report for the Agri-Food Strategy 2030.
Commenting on the consultation, Minister Calleary said “I am very pleased that in addition to consultation with the designated environmental authorities, my Department is conducting a wider non-statutory public consultation to help inform the scope of the environmental report for the Agri-Food Strategy 2030”.
The agri-food sector is a key aspect of Ireland’s economy, community and culture, exporting to at least 175 countries around the world and contributing a significant aspect of Ireland’s global profile and reputation. The 2030 Strategy builds on its predecessor programmes; Food Harvest 2020 and most recently Food Wise 2025, the current agri-food strategy, which provides a strategy for smarter, greener, more sustainable growth of the industry.
Scoping is the process of determining the range and level of detail of the environmental issues to be taken forward in the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Agri-Food Strategy to 2030.
Opinions of consultees on the proposed methods, scope and areas of focus the Strategy should be forwarded before the closing date of 8 September.