In association with Teagasc ConnectED, Dairy Sustainability Ireland, and Food Drinks Ireland Skillnet, the National Rural Network is hosting a series of online webinars called the Signpost Series. The webinars target those interested in the environment, sustainability, climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, the impact on agriculture, and science-based solutions and policies to mitigate the adverse effects and encourage the positive impact.
Agriculture is the primary land use in Ireland and farmers are responsible for farming in a sustainable manner to protect and enhance key resources and habitats.
The Signpost webinars aim to discuss the challenges and opportunities that face Irish and International agriculture.
July Topics:
- Initiatives undertaken at the college to reduce emissions on the farm & around the campus by John Kelly, College Principle, Teagasc Ballyhaise College;
- Reduce N surplus on an intensive dairy farm by Donal Patton, Technologist, Teagasc
- Glanbia Ireland’s living proof sustainability strategy by Thomas Ryan, Senior Sustainability Manager, Glanbia;
- The ecological value & condition of Irish Uplands by Catriona Douglas, Ecologist, NPWS; and
- Comeragh Upland Communities (CUC) EIP by Catriona Foley, Teagasc & Owen Carton, Project Manager, CUC.
Replay all previous recordings here.
Image Source: NRN
Source: NRN