A key objective of the National Rural Network (NRN) is to maximise the beneficial outcomes of the EIP-AGRI Initiative here in Ireland by bringing it into the lives of as many farmers and rural communities as possible, and to communicate its key opportunities and outputs to all relevant stakeholders.
The NRN team at NUIG have produced a new booklet comprising of EIP-AGRI guest blog posts featured on the NRN website over the past 2 years. This informative compilation details the thoughts and opinions of a number of experts in the field of agricultural productivity, sustainability and innovation about the benefits and potential of the EIP-AGRI initiative. These blogs are also featured on the NRN’s dynamic, interactive blog space on the NRN website that provides key personnel in the rural realm with a platform to highlight current and emerging issues that have the potential to positively influence the needs of needs of Irish agriculture and rural communities. These blogs are disseminated to the NRN’s far-reaching and wide-ranging audience interested in agricultural and rural affairs on a regular basis. Please see: https://nationalruralnetwork.ie/category/eip-agri-blog/
The European Innovation Partnership for Agriculture Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI) was launched in 2012 to contribute to the EU’s ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’ of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. In Ireland, EIP-AGRI projects are funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) under the Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014 – 2020. A budget of €59m is set aside for these projects. EIP-AGRI projects are developed by Operational Groups which bring together actors such as farmers, researchers, advisors and agri-businesses to identify innovative solutions to particular challenges facing the agri-food sector and rural economy.
The DAFM has now selected 23 EIP-AGRI Operational Groups Projects. These projects align well with Ireland’s RDP and national priorities and address challenges such as biodiversity, profitability and sustainability and harness the creativity and resourcefulness which is the hallmark of Ireland’s rural sector. The majority of the projects are bottom-up, led by farmers who are passionate about the future of farming and the environment in their own communities.
Download BookletThe NRN continually strive to further develop this dynamic, interactive blog space. If you would like to submit a guest blog post to the NRN, can you please email a draft of your blog post, in the body of the email itself, or as a word document attachment, along with any relevant images in JPG or PNG format you would like to include to shane.conway@nuigalway.ie.
For more information on the EIP-AGRI initiative please email the DAFM EIP-AGRI section (eip@agriculture.gov.ie) or visit the NRN website at: