The FarmPEAT (Farm Payments for Ecological and Agricultural Transitions) EIP Project is a locally led, innovative, and results-based farm scheme for farmers who manage lands surrounding some of Ireland’s finest remaining raised bogs aimed at promoting the sustainable management of peat soils in the midlands of Ireland. Working with local farmers, the initiative designs and tests locally tailored incentive programmes that encourage the delivery of improved environmental outcomes. This programme will serve as a foundation for future agri-environmental initiatives, and presents an opportunity for producers to participate in the formulation of policies that could provide future environmental and economic benefits to their communities.
Encouraging the next generation, the FarmPEAT project visited Rahan National School in March to conduct workshops on soil and bog, where they investigated the grounds outside the school and connected their work with classroom activities! The lucky children spent two days learning about peatlands in Ireland by constructing Lego bog models, drawing their preferred species, determining the amount of water in sphagnum moss, and conducting soil experiments using household items such as jars, vinegar, and baking soda.