The project at Glen Keen ( was inspired some years ago by a visit by the owner Catherine, who was at the time based in the USA, to Knottsbury Farm (, California, USA.

The seed was sown in Catherine’s mind for a farm based business, in order to diversify, and add some increased economic viability, to her family’s sheep farm back home in Ireland.

Aims and objectives:

To build a viable visitor centre which would attract coach tours and educational groups.


Glen Keen Farm and Visitor Centre now includes a craft shop, large restaurant, exhibition area and on farm demonstrations. Glen Keen employs a staff of 4 full time and 12 part-time employees.

The on farm activities include:

Sheep dog herding

Traditional turf cutting (by hand), the processing of sheep wool using non-mechanical instruments such as the spinning wheel and historical presentations on the heritage and culture of the local area.

Other activities include; edible nature walks, cooking classes, self-guided walks and a pet farm where you will have the opportunity to meet a number of friendly farm animals.

Local music sessions.

Learn More

Learn more online here, or download this information sheet (PDF).

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