The NRN has launched a new innovative events calendar which is of interest to anyone connected to agriculture and rural development. The calendar is easy to navigate and will keep you up to date with relevant upcoming events.
Currently the calendar includes the dates of information sessions and public consultations recently announced by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM).
This incorporates public consultation information meetings, hosted in conjunction with ICBF and Bord Bia, scheduled to assist with the Suckler Carbon Efficiency Programme (SCEP), which have been rolled out to assist with the applications process. In addition, a second set of events of farmer clinics and public consultation meetings scheduled to assist with Basic Income Support and Sustainability (BISS) were also announced by the DAFM. These meetings will help to assist farmers with their on-line applications for BISS and other schemes recently opened.
The full list of locations and dates is set out on the NRN’s events calendar here.