The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine is initiating a public consultation for a new Organic Sector Strategy to drive the sector’s growth in line with Food Vision 2030 and the EU Farm to Fork Strategy. The consultation, which opened from July 10th to August 18th, 2023, sought input from stakeholders and the public to shape the strategy. The goal is to achieve 10% organic farmland by 2030, building on the current 4%. The Organic Strategy Forum, led by Padraig Brennan, will develop the plan, considering sectoral and cross-sectoral recommendations, market trends, and education. Other developments include consumer research by Bord Bia, demonstration farms, and payment rate increases. Contributions are invited, with a focus on the EU Organic Action Plan’s axes. The strategy is intended for early 2024 presentation to the Minister. Instructions for submitting contributions are provided online and via mail. For more information, see here.
Organic Strategy Consultation