A winning entry in the NRN LEADER Impact Campaign 2020, the Dynamics Music Project makes learning an instrument accessible to all children and builds a belief in each child that he or she can take on difficult challenges and succeed.

Dynamics students learning violin together – Source: CBOI
LEADER supported the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland (CBOI) to purchase 60 violins and provide free musical tuition to 6 and 7-year-olds across Louth who may not otherwise have had the chance to take up the instrument due to the restrictive costs of lessons and instrument purchase. This unique project aims to challenge the idea of music being elite and does so by offering more group-based and peer-to-peer learning. Among the benefits of the project for young people in rural areas include the development of new musical skills, increased self-esteem and the opportunity to perform on the big stage.
To read the full case study, please see here.
This project was supported as part of the LEADER Programme 2014-2020 (extended to 2022) under the theme of Social Inclusion and the subtheme of Basic Services Targeted at Hard to Reach Communities. The Local Action Group is Louth Local Community Development Committee and the Implementing Partner is Louth LEADER Partnership.