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  5. Burren Winterage School EIP-AGRI...

A series videos featuring the three sessions from the Burren Winterage School’s EIP-AGRI Symposium 2021 entitled ‘EIP-AGRI: Carrying Forward our Lessons Learned’, that took place in Kinvara Community Centre, Co. Galway on the 22nd of October 2021, have been added to the NRN YouTube Channel.

This hugely successful and inspiring event, organised in conjunction with the National Rural Network (NRN), brought researchers, farm advisers, policymakers and farmers together to discuss innovative approaches towards agri-environmental protection and sustainability of farms throughout Ireland through EIP-AGRI’s locally-led, farmer-centred approach.

A National Rural Network EIP-AGRI poster exhibition was also on display at this event. You can view a photo album from this symposium here.

Image Credit: NRN

Source: NRN